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Note and disclaimer: (1) Map links are provided by the organization websites. Other maps are from Mapquest.Com, Streetmap.Co.Uk or Yahoo!Maps.
(2) This Directory is for information purposes only. Do not use information contained herein without independent verification or visiting the organization's own website. |
The Academy of Accounting Historians was formed in 1973. It was granted a charter as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Alabama and subsequently was granted tax-exempt status in the United States.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is a voluntary federation of autonomous national and international unions. It is not involved in the internal affairs of its affiliates, and does not have information on individual local union pensions or active or retired members of its affiliates.
Services include media center, action center, email alerts.
Arbeitskreis für kritische Unternehmens- und Industriegeschichte e.V. (Research group for critical business history) was established in 1991 and consists of mostly younger scholars from universities. AKKU acts as a network of scientists, archivists and students in business history in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Since its foundation, the research group places special emphasis on an interdisciplinary debate on theoretical approaches.
The fundamental purpose of the Asociación Española de Historia Económica (Spanish Economic History Association) is to stimulate and promote education, investigation, and publication of subjects related to economic history. Its site offers links to databases, documents and other information of interest.
The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) is an international organization of economists and other social scientists devoted to analysis of economics as evolving, socially constructed and politically governed systems. AFEE publishes the Journal of Economic Issues.
The Association for Historical Research in Marketing (AHRIM) is an extension of the Conference on Historical Analysis & Research in Marketing (CHARM). It exists to organize and promote CHARM as well as to facilitate historical research in marketing more generally.
Founded in 1965, the A.F.H.E. gathers historians and researchers whose work pertains to economic history, from antiquity to the present day. It also includes interested benefactor persons and entities.
The Association of Business Historians is a leading UK professional association dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about Business History. Its members are mostly scholars at universities and research institutions.
Associazione di Storia e Studi sull'Impresa (i.e. Association for the History and Study of Enterprise) was created in 1983 as the association of Italian business historians. Three years later it was transformed into a foundation, through the support of Italian corporations including Fiat, Montedison and Fratelli Dioguardi as well as the Milan Chamber of Commerce.
The Australian Society for the Study of Labour History was founded in 1961 to study the working class situation and social history. The Society aims to encourage teaching and research in labour history, and the preservation of the records of working people and the labour movement.
Business History Society of Japan |
The Business History Society of Japan was founded in 1964.
Canadian Network for Economic History |

Queen's University
Department of Economics
K7L 3N6 Kingston, ON |
The Canadian Network for Economic History, also known as Reseau canadien d'histoire economique, is supported by the Queen's University Economics Department or QED.
Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution |
Room MC233, MC Building
University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton WV1 1SB |
The Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution (CHORD) was set up in September 1998 to act as a point of contact between scholars - both in Britain and abroad - engaged in the study of the history of retailing and distribution. CHORD builds upon the interests and expertise of a number of scholars in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences at the University of Wolverhampton, and is part of the University's History and Governance Research Institute.
Centrum voor Bedrijfsgeschiedenis |
Universiteit Antwerpen
Prinsstraat 13
Phone: 03 220 40 07 Fax: 03 220 44 20
06 2323 6750 |
Centrum voor Bedrijfsgeschiedenis (CBG) is the first specific centre for business history established among Dutch universities, founded in 1984 by Huib Vleesenbeek of the Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam. Based on his initiative, the CBG organized an international conference in business history in October 1994, which also marked the launch of the European Business History Association.
The Cliometric Society, founded in 1983, is an academic organization of individuals interested in using economic theory and statistical techniques to study economic history.
The Construction History Society is an organization interested in the How?, Where? and Why? aspects of buildings from all periods of history and from all around the world. The CHS offers a wealth of information from its members and its archives of publications, newsletters and industry documentation. It has members of all ages and from many professional, amateur, academic and construction industry backgrounds. The CHS is an international society and encourages new overseas members to join.
Danish Society for Economic and Social History |

Ole Hyldtoft, Institut for Historie
Njalsgade 102
2300 Copenhagen |
Phone: 44 66 15 79 99
Fax: 44 66 81 26 |
Founded in 1952, the Danish Society for Economic and Social History is a forum for Danish economic and social historians. The aim of the Society is to encourage research in economic and social history, and to conduct the interests of Danish economic and social history with regard to international cooperation by organizing conferences and meetings, by participating in the Scandinavian Economic History Review, and by representing Denmark in the International Economic History Association.
The Economic and Business Historical Society (EBHS), established in 1975, promotes economic and business historical research and teaching at annual conferences where scholars open their research for discussion. Papers read at EBHS meetings may be offered for publication in the society's refereed journal Essays in Economic and Business History: The Journal of the Economic and Business Historical Society.
Economic and Social History Society of Ireland |
Department of Modern History
Trinity College
Dublin, Republic of Ireland |
The Economic and Social History Society of Ireland was formed in 1970 to promote the study of economic and social history in Ireland. It has a world-wide membership, and some influence within Ireland on matters related to the teaching of these key subjects. It acts to bring together those actively engaged in research and teaching at every level.
The Economic History Association was founded in 1940. Its purpose is to encourage and promote teaching, research, and publication on every phase of economic history, and to encourage and assist in the preservation and administration of the materials for research in the field.
The Economic History Society exists to support reseach and teaching in economic and social history, broadly defined. It does this through publications, including the Economic History Review and a range of textbooks and study packs, through conferences and workshops, through the finance of research fellowships and research grants, and through bursaries and prizes for younger scholars.
The aim of the Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand is to promote the teaching, study and understanding of Economic History; to disseminate knowledge in the field of Economic History; to hold conferences and to participate in other relevant meetings which encourage the conservation of historical materials and artifacts. Since 1961 the society publishes the journal Australian Economic History Review, an Asia-Pacific journal of economic, business and social history.
Education International |
5 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, Bte 1
1210 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: 32 2 224 0611
Fax: 32 2 224 0606 |
Education International is a world-wide trade union organization of education personnel, whose 26 million members represent all sectors of education from pre-school to university, 319 national trade unions and associations in 162 countries and territories.
European Association for
Banking and Financial History e.V. |
Guiollettstraße 25
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main |
Phone: 49 69 9720 3307
Fax: 49 69 9720 3308 |
The European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V. was founded in November 1990 as a forum for research into banking history. Within a short time, it developed into an internationally recognized organization for its work in the field of banking history and archives. In recognition of its contribution to promoting banking history, the Association was awarded the European Culture Prize in 2001.
European Business History Association |
Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte e.V.
Sophienstr. 44
D-60487 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 97 20 33 14 Fax: +49 69 97 20 33 57 |
The European Business History Association was established at the end of 1994 as the professional body for individuals interested in the development of business and management in Europe from the earliest time to the present day. The Association aims to promote research, teaching and general awareness of all aspects of European business and management history. It intends to create a network of information and to encourage collaboration through shared and comparative projects and scholarships, and the exchange of graduate students.
European Historical Economics Society |
Latin American Centre
St. Antony's College
Oxford OX2 6JF |
The European Historical Economics Society is concerned with the advancement of education in European Economic History through the study of European economies and economic history. It is also concerned with disseminating learning by holding conferences and summer schools and through the Society journal, the European Review of Economic History.
Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations |
Palais des Nations, Office BOC 74
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Switzerland |
Phone: 41 22 917 3150
Fax: 41 22 917 0660
The Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations fosters the development of the international civil service in accordance with the principles set forth in the United Nations Charter and the constitutions of the specialized agencies. Services include circulars, mailing and contact list, FAQ, archive material
Foundation of History, Ecological Reconstruction, Economics and Business |

Russian Academy of Sciences
Leninskij prospect 32 A, korp. B, N° 1401
117334 Moscow |
Phone: 7 095 938 1009
Fax: 7 095 938 2288 |
The Foundation of History, Ecological Reconstruction, Economics and Business is undertaking a major research project entitled Economic and Business History: International Experiences and Modern Problems, with the Centre of Economic and Business History of the Institute of Universal History at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The General Federation of Trade Unions was established at a special Congress of the Trade Union Congress held in 1899. The principal objective was to set up a national organisation with a strike fund which could be drawn upon by affiliated trade unions.
Global Economic History Network |
The London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE |
Phone: 44 0 20 7405 7686 |
The Global Economic History Network is an international network of academics with credentials in several disciplines (history, economics, economic history, anthropology, geography, sociology) and affiliated to universities in Britain, Holland, Italy, Germany, the U.S., India and Japan. Thanks to funding from the Leverhulme Trust, the network came into operation in September 2003 to promote research, teaching and co-operation in global economic history.
Global Unions |
Phone: 44 463 511 252
Fax: 43 463 511 215 |
Global Unions comprises the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (which represents most national trade union centres), the Global Union Federations (international representatives of unions organising in specific industry sectors or occupational groups), and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD.
The History of Economics Society, founded in 1974, is an international organization of scholars in the history of economics. The society seeks to promote interest in the history of economics, to facilitate communication among scholars in the field, and to disseminate contemporary scholarship.
Since its launch in March 2003, the international Institute for Corporate Culture Affairs (ICCA), based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, has attracted the interest of leading international companies who believe in a greater business orientation towards the well-being of society. ICCA is an independent not-for-profit organisation that focuses on linking high level business executives, organisations, and academics in their quest to coordinate and align profit based goals with the good of society. In order to achieve this goal, ICCA promotes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among international companies, ensuring its integration into their daily business and offering long-term support to secure future progress.
The Institute of Economic History at the Humboldt University of Berlin launched a conference series on quantitative economic and social history, to take place annually, continuing and reviving 40 years of tradition of Wolfram Fischer's seminar series at the Free University of Berlin. In its new shape, the Berlin Colloquium is a marketplace for the exchange of new ideas, a debut stage for new researchers, and a summer workshop for advanced students in search of their own research agenda.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers bills itself as the union for the 21st century.
Services offered include video library, action alerts and advocacy.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters |

25 Louisiana Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20001 |
Phone: 202 624 6800 |
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, with 1.4 million members, is one of the largest labor unions in the world. It is also the most diverse union in the United States.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions |
5 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, Bte 1
1210 Brussels, Belgium |
Phone: 32 2 224 0211
Fax: 32 2 201 5815 |
The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) was set up in 1949 and has affiliated organizations in countries and territories on all five continents.
It has three major regional organisations, APRO for Asia and the Pacific, AFRO for Africa, and ORIT for the Americas. It also maintains close links with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) (which includes all ICFTU European affiliates) and Global Union Federations, which link together national unions from a particular trade or industry at international level.
International Economic History Association |
c/o Department of Economic History
University of Tuebingen
Mohlstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
Phone: +49 7071 29 72985
Fax: +49 7071 29 5119 |
The International Economic History Association, established in 1965, unites economic historians from countries in Europe, America, Asia, and Oceania. Every four years the IEHA organizes a World Economic History Congress.
International Federation of
Building and Wood Workers |
54, rte des Acacias
CH - 1227 Carouge
Geneva, Switzerland |
Phone: 41 22 827 3777
Fax: 41 22 827 3770 |
The IFBWW is the Global Union Federation protecting members in trade unions in countries around the world in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied industries. The IFBWW's mission is to promote the development of trade unions in these sectors throughout the world and to promote and enforce workers rights in the context of sustainable development.
International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers Unions |
20 Rue Adrien Lachenal
1207 Geneva, Switzerland
Phone: +41-22-304-1840
Fax: +41-22-304-1841 |
The ICEM is a rapidly growing industry-based world labor federation dedicated to practical solidarity. It unites trade unions in its sectors on all continents. Its aim is to become a truly global trade union.
Services offered include media (magazines, books, videos, CDs)
International Federation of Journalists |
IPC-Residence Palace, Bloc C
Rue de la Loi 155
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium |
Phone: 32 2 235 2200
Fax: 32 2 235 2219 |
The International Federation of Journalists is the world's largest organization of journalists. First established in 1926, it was relaunched in 1946 and again, in 1952. The Federation represents around 500,000 members in more than 100 countries.
The IFJ promotes international action to defend press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists.
International Metalworkers' Federation |
54bis, route des Acacias
Case Postale 1516
CH-1227 Geneva, Switzerland |
Phone: 41 22 308 5050
Fax: 41 22 308 5055 |
The International Metalworkers' Federation represents the collective interests of 25 million metalworkers in more than 200 unions in 100 countries. The IMF is a federation of national unions - a union of unions - in the metal industry at world level.
International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation |
8 rue Joseph Stevens
1000 Brussels, Belgium |
Phone: 32 2 512 2606
Fax: 32 2 511 0904 |
The International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation is an International Trade Secretariat bringing together 217 affiliated organizations in 110 countries, with a combined membership of over 10 million workers.
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is an international trade union federation of transport workers' unions. Any independent trade union with members in the transport industry is eligible for membership of the ITF.
Over 600 unions representing more than 5,000,000 transport workers in over 140 countries are members of the ITF. It is one of several Global Federation Unions allied with the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association |
Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8
CH-1213, Petit-Lancy
Switzerland |
Phone: 41 22 793 2233
Fax: 41 22 793 2238 |
The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) is an international federation of trade unions representing workers employed in agriculture and plantations; the preparation and manufacture of food and beverages; hotels, restaurants and catering services; and all stages of tobacco processing.
The IUF is currently composed of 336 trade unions in 120 countries representing a combined membership of over 12 million workers.
Internationale Tagung der Historikerinnen und
Historiker der Arbeiter- und anderer sozialer Bewegungen |
Wipplinger Straße 6-8, Altes Rathaus
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)1 / 22 89 469 - 316 (Eva Himmelstoss, General Secretary)
Fax: +43 (0)1 / 22 89 469 - 319 |
ITH, or the International Conference of Labour and Social History, was founded 1964 in Vienna as "Internationale Tagung der Historiker der Arbeiterbewegung / International Conference of Labour Historians." It is an umbrella organization of research institutes and associations for social history, specialized on labour history; membership of individuals is possible.
The Labor and Working Class History Association is an organization of scholars, union members, students and citizens promoting a wider understanding of the history of working class people, their communities, and their organizations in the United States.
The Labour Research Department is the independent research organization publishing news and information for trade unionists. Around 2,000 trade union organizations, including 54 national unions, are affiliated, representing more than 99% of total TUC membership.
The Management History Research Group is a body dedicated to extending understanding of the much under-researched topic, management history.
The Mining History Association is an organization of individuals interested in the history of mining and metallurgy. Members include independent scholars, laypersons, college and university professors, historians, miners, geologists, retired mining industry personnel, and many others. The MHA holds an annual meeting, publishes a scholarly journal and a quarterly newsletter, and provides a forum for discussion of the history of mining.
NASUWT is the only TUC affiliated teachers' union representing teachers in all parts of the United Kingdom. It has over 223,500 members in all sectors from early years to further education.
The National Union of Journalists is among the biggest and best-established journalists' unions in the world, with 34,000 members. These members cover the whole range of editorial work - staff and freelance, writers and reporters, editors and sub-editors, photographers and illustrators, working in broadcasting, newspapers, magazines, books, on the internet and in public relations.
Onderzoeksinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur |
Janskerkhof 13,
3512 BL Utrecht
Phone: +31 (0) 30 253 8239
Fax: +31 (0) 30 253 8381 |
Onderzoeksinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur (OGC) was established by the Universiteit Utrecht as a research center for business history. Called the Research Institute for History and Culture (RICH) in English, this group concentrates on contract research. The University provides academic backing.
Public Services International |
BP 9
F-01211 Ferney-Voltaire Cedex
France |
Phone: 33 4 50 40 6464
Fax: 33 4 50 40 7320
Public Services International represents public sector unions globally.
The SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West (SEIU UHW) is the largest and most powerful healthcare union in the western United States.
SEIU UHW was formed on January 1, 2005 after the members of Local 250 in Northern California and Local 399 in Southern California overwhelmingly voted to unify. Its 150,000+ members work in every facet of the healthcare industry, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and homecare.
Service Employees International Union |

1800 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington, DC National Capital Area |
Phone: +1202-730-7000 Toll Free: +1800-424-8592 |
SEIU is 1,600,000 working people and 120,000 retirees united to improve their jobs and communities.
Services offered include press center, action center, action alerts.
The Society for Economic Anthropology is a group of anthropologists, economists and other scholars who are interested in the connections between economics and social life. The SEA welcomes new members from all the subfields of anthropology.
The Society for the Study of Labour History, founded in 1960, is the UK's principal organization dedicated to the study of labour history. The Society organizes meetings and conferences, represents the interests of labour history and labour historians in a number of fora and publishes the Labour History Review journal, a subscription to which secures membership in the Society and participation in the annual general meeting.
Society for the Study of Working-Class Literature |
c/o Christie Launius, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
Director, Women's Studies Program
Augusta State University
2500 Walton Way
Augusta, GA 30904
Phone: 706 667-4430 |
The Society for the Study of Working-Class Literature is a member society of the American Literature Association devoted to promoting the study of working class literature, including works by working-class writers, texts addressed to working-class audiences, and representations of the working class in literature.
Stichting Bedrijfsgeschiedenis (Foundation for Business History) was launched in 1994 as a successor to the dormant Werkgroep voor Bedrijfsgeschiedenis. The Foundation aims to promote business history among a wider audience, organizing two popular events per year, a seminar to debate current issues and usually a company visit. The Stichting welcomes members living abroad.
StorEP or Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell'Economia Politica, formed in October 2003, is the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy, whose primary objective is to promote, to value and to support economists' sensibility of the history of economic thought.

1 Mabledon Place
London WC1H 9AJ |
Phone: 44 845 355 0845 |
UNISON is the biggest trade union in the United Kingdom, representing 1.4 million public sector workers. It is at the forefront of campaigns to defend public services and essential industries and to protect them against further cuts.
Services include documents database, Labour Research data, newsgroups, online catalogue
World Union of Professions |
38, rue Boissière
75116 Paris, France |
Phone: 33 1 44 05 9015
Fax: 33 1 44 05 9017 |
The World Union of Professions is an international nongovernmental organization whose purpose is to promote worldwide a broader recognition and greater development of the professions; to represent these professions at the international level; to establish and maintain permanent relations with the international community in view of developing professional activities; to establish a link between the professional organizations of the world to further the exchange of information and mutual assistance.